Thu. Mar 13th, 2025
how t orank on google 1st page

How to rank on Google and Youtube 1st page

On this tutorial, I will show you how I get sales all the time ranking on top 3 positions at Youtube and Google with my youtube videos and my Niche sites.

In order to have your videos and websites ranking at Google, you need to syndicate them.

If you’d like to know EXACTLY how to start exploiting Google to get as MUCH traffic, leads and sales as you’d like, then you’ll want to pay VERY close attention to this page.

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 Ranking on 1st page of Google or Youtube, is that easy?

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my years of marketing online (closing in on 6 years full-time), it’s that websites and videos WITHOUT traffic mean NOTHING!

And websites and videos without QUALITY, social-syndication get NOWHERE when it comes to getting FREE, targeted traffic from Google..

You can have the MOST beautiful website in ALL the Internet.

And you can have the MOST beautiful and perfectly animated videos, with the perfect sales message and amazing graphics..

However, if these web properties aren’t being SEEN by people that are going to pull out their credit cards and BUY something…

…They’re Absolutely Useless, Right?

And no fancy page builder, video editor or video creation software can change that.


When it comes to ranking your content on page 1, the two most important things that help you get there is QUALITY syndication and QUALITY content! So you need to get software that ALSO handles the CONTENT to use in syndication, and the best quality content you  can produce, the better!

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In 2020 I’ve heard of this new program by Joshua Zamora, DFY SUITE2.0

I needed a way to rank better my articles, even that I was doing already a lot of SEO optimization in the videos and blog articles.

So I bought DFY SUITE 2.0

It ‘s very easy to work with.

1st you need to create a campaign.

2nd you should insert the URL of your website or youtube/Vimeo video.

3rd you add as many keywords you want, but on the training, they advise 3 to 5 maximum, and using some long-tail keywords will help.


Next step , you can select if the software is going to create content for your sites and videos when backlinking them on hight authority sites and blogs and PBN’s.

Now you can select also the language, which is a new feature on DFY SUITE 3.0 , and if you want your video to be embedded in  other sites.


For the last step,  you should select how many backlinks you want the software to create in other sites, as much as 1000, but usually, you shouldn’t backlink more than 50 -100 Backlinks a day.

You will choose on Drip Feed the number of days your campaign will be backlinking your site or video.

So, if you choose Link quality of 100 and Drip feed of 10, it means the software will syndicate your page or video 10 times a day.

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You Can Get FREE, Targeted BUYER-Traffic In 48 Hours or Less By Using This  High-Quality Done-For-You, Social Syndication System!

No Previous Skills Or Experience Required. You can literally be a COMPLETE
Newbie and Get RESULTS by following this simple, 3-step system”..

With DFY Suite:

You can submit ANY Url. It can be a video, a niche site, an Amazon page, an eCommerce store, ANYTHING!

It’s 100% Done-For-You so ZERO work is required on your part once you submit your keywords and URL

You can schedule how FAST or how SLOW you want your syndication to be done

You can supply the content if you’d like (this is 100% optional)

You can let the system generate the content for your campaigns FOR YOU

You’ll have FULL access to your syndication report once it’s been completed… And much much more…

What is different on DFY SUITE 3.0 from the previous version I have?

NEW Streamlined, 3-Step Campaign Submission System

Submitting a campaign now it’s straightforward, takes less than 60 seconds.


5x The Sites, 5x The Authority, 5x The Ranking Power!

Yup, since the initial launch back in 2018, they have more than 5x’d the number of sites in their network that will be used to syndicate your content. But not just 5x the sites, they’ve also 5x’ed the authority. They spent countless hours (and THOUSANDS of dollars) sifting through the BEST of the BEST sites that have high domain and page authority to ensure that you’re getting the BEST QUALITY syndication. This all pretty much means you now have 5x the ranking power in version 3.0 with their massively EXPANDED network!

Done-for-you rankings on a GLOBAL LEVEL with worldwide language support!

One of the  MOST requested features from users,  has been DEPLOYED in version 3.0!  DFY Suite is now the leading provider for DFY Rankings via quality, social syndication on a GLOBAL level with support in ALL the major languages around the world. Yes, you read that correctly! They can cover EVERY LANGUAGE you can think of, so you can get page 1 rankings REGARDLESS of where you are in the world! They  might be the FIRST and ONLY platform to offer quality social syndication that is 100% done-for-you AND supports ALL languages around the world!

 Including  IP’s From ALL Over The World To SUPER Charge the  NEW, Worldwide ranking power! 

Yup, they couldn’t have just opened up their worldwide language support WITHOUT ensuring that their servers were set up correctly too, right? So in version 3.0 they  SUPERCHARGED the  server set up to include IP’s from ALL over the world as well. This solidifies them  as the leading provider of done-for-you rankings on a GLOBAL level. When it can offer rankings in different languages WITH server IP’s from ALL over the world AS WELL, that’s when Google REALLY starts to drool over your campaigns. (*if you have NO idea what this means, don’t worry because it’s ALL done-for-you haha)

New  Content Generation System which is NOW powered by REAL Artificial intelligence for MORE Relevancy so you get MORE ranking power for your campaigns! 

When it comes to ranking your content on page 1, the two most important things that help you get there is QUALITY syndication and QUALITY content!

This time around their content generation is powered by REAL artificial intelligence. Yup,they ’ve tapped into their  Create software to be the backbone of the content system so you now get TOTALLY unique content for EVERY campaign DFY SUITE 3.0  syndicates for you.

e TRIPLE The Platforms, TRIPLE The Variation, TRIPLE The SPEED of Rankings WITH the Inclusion of  the new Private PBN!

Not only they have  5x’ed their  network since the  initial launch in 2018, they have also TRIPLED the TYPE of platforms that it will  be syndicating your content on. In 1.0 they  started with social bookmarks and wiki sites, which are easily the MOST powerful type of syndication you can do to rank your content on page 1. In 2.0 they added Blogging and Web 2.0 syndication into their network! Having a well balanced syndication profile is extremely powerful for ranking your content and they are taking care of this FOR YOU to SUPERCHARGE the SPEED in which your rankings get to page 1!

And NOW in 3.0 they have created their own private blog network as well to include some of their  BEST, authority domains! These are domains that you’d EASILY have to pay $50-$60/month to get just ONE link posted on them! Talk about awesome, right?

A FULL breakdown of  DFY SUITE 3.0 Network Authority So You Always Know The FIREPOWER At Your Fingertips!

“Are you actually doing QUALITY syndication?” That is a BIG concern for many of the users. And it’s a VALID one. Many people that do DFY syndication/backlinking are just building you crappy links.

They wanted you to feel 100% confident in the service they are providing for you so they published a FULL breakdown of their  ENTIRE network’s authority so you always know the amount of FIREPOWER you have at your fingertips.

You’ll be able to see how much domain authority they have, how much page authority, and exactly the TLD’s that they use in the system as well. PLUS, this is always kept to date anytime we add new sites to our network.

Access to  Automatic, Done-For-You Video Embeds Feature For Even FASTER Video Rankings from the  2.0 launch!

We all know that syndicating your videos is only PART of the battle, right? Ensuring that you can get QUALITY video embeds is the SECRET sauce that ALL the top video marketers deploy to REALLY get some FAST video rankings. The MORE quality video embeds you can get, the better! However, embedding your videos across different sites can be a VERY time consuming process. So why not just let DFY SUITE 3.0  do THAT for you as well?! All you have to do is input your video URL and the software takes it from there!

How to rank #1 on Google and Youtube

And A WHOLE Lot MORE Cool Features Designed To Continue to be the #1, Done-For-You Syndication platform on the market!

This is the  FASTEST and the MOST effective DONE-FOR-YOU syndication system on the planet. These are the “little” improvements like upgrading the  overall server for maximum speed of your submissions, improving the software campaign processing system to ensure  campaigns  complete on time, a much improved campaign reporting and downloading system in case your providing reports to your clients, and much much more…


DFY SUITE 3.0 works with credits.

And As far as the credit-system, it’s actually quite simple.

1 credit = 1 Backlink.

You choose how many links to send to each url that you submit with a maximum of 100 links with the license you get  and 300 if you upgrade to the Agency+ level. With 5,000 credits you can send 100 backlinks to 50 (yes, FIFTY) different videos, niche sites etc.

But remember, you’ll be able to choose between 25, 50, 75 or 100 links per URL that you submit, so you’re credits will go a LONG way to produce you a TON of page 1 rankings.

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So, why I advise you to buy this software?

I show you know some of my sales between June 2020 and September 2020, while I was using DFY SUITE 2.0

At the same time, I was syndicating all those product reviews  at DFY SUITE2.0

I was using  100 backlinks for each, and a Drip speed of 10 days, which means 10 powerful backlinks a day.

You cna check the dates there, and the name of products I was promoting,

And here you get the same products with tons of sales between June and September 2020, flooding with sales notifications my email inbox!

Who can benefit using DFYsuite 3.0?

if you use an authority social site for ranking you know that for a brand new website it’
hard to stand out and get traffic so dfy suite 3.0 will solve  all major problems for that.

Here is the Huge Benefits for using DFY SUITE 3.0

  • ranking your video on google fast
  • ranking youtube product review video for fast sales
  • raking any niche based website with new content
  • rank client website and charge them money
  • rank client youtube video and charge them money
  • allow anyone to rank any website or page

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How to rank on Google and Youtube 1st page

My name is Pedro Madaleno and I am an online blogger and entrepreneur, as well as a well know Jazz Composer musician in Portugal.

My passion is to help other people to start their own “hustle” and improve the financial future of their families.


DISCLAIMER: Some of the links mentioned in the video and in the description might be affiliate links, which means that if you use it and will end up buying something, I’ll receive a small commission. These commissions help support the channel and allow me to continue to record more of these Free Training videos for you guys. Thank so much for your support! Please note that results may and will vary. I cannot guarantee that you or anyone else will make any sum of money – it all depends on each person’s situation, drive and even luck. I highly suggest you simply look into it and draw your own conclusions.

I hope you enjoyed my How to rank on Google and Youtube 1st page



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