Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

How to generate 500 LEADS In any niche in 10 days

Welcome to my How to generate 500 LEADS In any niche in 10 days tutorial.

Are you trying to grow your  clients list in your business,whatever it might be?

In this tutorial I will show you one strategy ( there’s other I will cover in later tutorials) that really works to get qualified leads for your niche at a very cheap price.

This strategy works with Facebook Ads,  using a lead generation campaign, and  i have been using it for 2 or more years with great results.

With just $3-$5 a day and running for 10 days, you can generate a massive buyers lists, with clicks that can get as cheap as $0.02!

Check my How to get 500 LEADS In any niche in 10 days Video Tutorial below

This strategy alone has been making me $2-3k a month selling my music courses, but I have been using  it also in MMO for the last 2 years and got  amazing results.

Other than that, you can check how I made over $10k  in just 2 months at tihs amazing training program, that I consider the best in 2021.

(No bs, i show all my gains and results)


The idea of this strategy is to make people sign an optin form inside a Contest  form at Fbook ads, where you have to offer a small price at the end of the campaign.

In this case of mine,  I was promoting my music composition course (yes, , I’m a ”famous” musician and teacher  in my country besides being a marketer freak) and i runned a form at  a Facebook lead generation campagn where I was offering this course to 2 people,among   all the people that would fill my form.

i runned the ads for 15 days , paying $10  a day  to start but at the last days only paid $5 a day since the results were so good!


There’s 3 levels of any campaign at Facebook level.

The campaign level ( where you decide your objective, budg, time duration, etc) , the adset level (where you decide which Facebook page of your business to  post the ad, the type of auction, and you target your audience with country, age, gender, interests, placements, etc…)  , and the ad level ( this is where you build your ad with a video or image, or in this case, with a form, and you set the ad copy, description, CTA, and insert your destination link for the offer)

1-In order to turn  this into   a winner campaign you have to  choose Lead Generation on the campaign objective.

In this tutorial I will show you one strategy ( there's other I will cover in later tutorials) that really works to get qualified leads for your niche at a very cheap price. This strategy works with Facebook Ads,  using a lead generation campaign, and  i have been using it for 2 or more years with great results. With just $3-$5 a day and running for 10 days, you can generate a massive buyers lists, with clicks that can get as cheap as $0.02!

2- Next thing you should select the type of  strategy you want to get the leads, and that is Instant Forms



3- Now, let’s set the budget for the campaign, bette rto start with $3-$5 a day  and test it first as the budget for the day, and in case you run more than 1 adset, choose CBO (Campagin Budget Optimization)


4- Now let’s move to the Adset Level (where you decide which Facebook page of your business to  post the ad, the type of auction, and you target your audience with country, age, gender, interests, placements, etc…)

I choosed only Portugal  and Brazil ( the course is in portuguese which works for Brazil as well)

Most important thing here is the Detail targeting.

I advice you to think a bit out of the box, of what is your audience choices and interests.

In my case, and sincee this a music course for professional and amateur musicians, I choosed interests like Jazz music, Bossa Nova music,Classical music, Pop Music, people that like Music Instrument Stores and like famous music schools like Juiliiard in NY or Berklee College of Music) and at the end I narrowed it all to people that have interest in ”music composition”

In this way I reduce the huge scope of the first interests ( had almost 30 million audience4 size which is a lot)  to something that  not all those people are interested, which is Music Composition.At the end got an audience of  710 000, which is pretty good for  my intents!

So , of course depending on which countries you are targeting, you should look always for audiences close to 1 -5 million per adset level.

5- After that is done, you can move to the palcements.

I usually choose  manual placements, since Fbook likes to eat all your money showing the ads at the audience network and Messenger, which has almost no significant results.So, I only select Facebook News Feed and Stories as well for  Instagram .


6- Once this is done, I move to the Ad level

There you will choose which Facebook page will show your ad, so I really advice you to  make a good Fbook page for your business like I have.

See it here.

SO now is time to work at the ad creative.

You can either use an image or a video or even caroussel images for your ad.

Most important is that you use media that causes surprise and gets people hooke up , rather than use a normal bizz banner or  normal


The Ad copy should fill the message.

In my experience there’s some types of ad copy that work the best, and they have 3 or 4 lines only of text, with the following  6 formulas:

In this tutorial I will show you one strategy ( there's other I will cover in later tutorials) that really works to get qualified leads for your niche at a very cheap price. This strategy works with Facebook Ads,  using a lead generation campaign, and  i have been using it for 2 or more years with great results. With just $3-$5 a day and running for 10 days, you can generate a massive buyers lists, with clicks that can get as cheap as $0.02!

So feel free to test any of those combinations.

You can see below I used as my primary text,the 3rd option, with an hook, benefit and offer/CTA

You cna add also a description,  and headline,which usually I use to show social proof and results of the product.


In this tutorial I will show you one strategy ( there's other I will cover in later tutorials) that really works to get qualified leads for your niche at a very cheap price. This strategy works with Facebook Ads,  using a lead generation campaign, and  i have been using it for 2 or more years with great results. With just $3-$5 a day and running for 10 days, you can generate a massive buyers lists, with clicks that can get as cheap as $0.02!


Then , you need to select the call to action, which in this case should be ”sign up” and  upon selection of Question format , you should use ”Instant form”

7-Now we arrive at the creation of the form we will use to engage with our audience.

Choose More Volume type of since it’s optimized for mobile and lot of people will see your ad at mobile,

You can use the ad image or in my case, I used an uploaded image from my course sales page .

And now you have the content of the form

It’s good if  you ask them some related stuff to your offer, so they get engaged to you contest or just survey.

In my case,I placed  3 ”short answer ” questions: about what musical

instrument they played, and for  how many years (with a multiple choice- 1 year, 3-5 years, more than 5 years) and if they could read music.

After that you have the Privacy Policy.

Facebook likes to show legit businesses, so , I just copied the link to my privacy policies in my Music Academy Site.

And finally you end up this form with a message to your future subscribers, telling them the conditions of your contest, when the price will be announced and where ,etc.



After 15 days I got this result, and even got more leads, up to 480, since I didn’t configure well facebook pixel to show me the  leads conversions since the 1st day

As you can see, i got clicks at $0,02, and 1634 clicks in 15 days!!!


Everyday while the campaign is running you can download a csv. file with your subscribers at your facebook page that you used to post the ad.

Go to the left below to Leads Center.


And it will open up the CRM for your leads.There, in the upper right, just download your Csv file! You will see also below the email  and mame that your subscriber submitted to you on the form, and in the CSV excel file, you will see all the info and answered questions they replied  to  all your questions.


Next step is to upload this new list to your autoresponder, I use Get Response,  and set up an autoresponder sequence of emails.

In my case I setup 20 emails to be sent in the first month, and I will add up some newsletters with my new offers when time arises.

You can get Get Response here, it works really great, and I get good open rates from 15% to 25%.




I alo use this amazing program to get fresh leads everyday, in several niches for my affiliate marketing campaigns.

It’s called Fast Commission Generator and I made also a review for it , you can check it here.

Basically it’s an app that searches Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc, and scrapes emails of any niche keyword you want in any local area.

I got 238 leads in just one day as I show in the demo below!

My name is Pedro Madaleno and I am a  online blogger and entrepreneur, as well as a well know Jazz Composer musician in Portugal.

My passion is to help other people to start their own “hustle” and improve the financial future of their families.


DISCLAIMER: Some of the links mentioned in the video and in the description might be affiliate links, which means that if you use it and will end up buying something, I’ll receive a small commission. These commissions help support the channel and allow me to continue to record more of these Free Training videos for you guys. Thank so much for your support! Please note that results may and will vary. I cannot guarantee that you or anyone else will make any sum of money – it all depends on each person’s situation, drive and even luck. I highly suggest you simply look into it and draw your own conclusions.

I hope you enjoyed my How to generate 500 LEADS In any niche in 10 days tutorial


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